Friday, October 21, 2011

Add Facebook Like Button in your Blog or Website Easily customize it

In this tutorial you will learn how to added 'Fb Like Button' on your Blog or Website. You can added it now  your Blog or Website follow this article and given bellow.

 Work Laval 1: Signin your Blog or Website.
 Work Laval 2: Click template and go to Edit Html (See picture2).

Work Laval 3: After you click edit html you will see like the picture below. Do not worried proceed you have to confirm this option where is printed Exposed-Widget-Templates.
 Work Laval 4: Now push Ctrl+F3 get the Find option like this picture. At this time write this code <data:post.body/> in find option and push Enter button.

Work Laval 6: This step is very important in this article. So look very carefully

<data: post.body/> Paste codes right here.
When you want to show
at the like button just post title. Then have to paste those codes. Behind the following codes set. The codes sre <div class='post-header-line-1/>
Now enjoy 'Fb Like Button' Blog or Website.

[If any problem plz Comment and say your problem] 


  1. Hello Thanks but their are so many . which one i use for that.

    1. If you complete Lv: 4; Then you take Lv: 6 and change + (1st one) put here your Facebook ID; + (2nd one) post URL..


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